
山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司
  • 您當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)>>新聞動(dòng)態(tài)>>公司新聞富美家裝飾防火板和功能防火板的防火等級(jí)相同嗎?



    來(lái)源:http://www.qq1980.cn/ 日期:2019-12-24 發(fā)布人:admin
      Fireproof board, often mixed with friends in the building materials industry, can be heard, seen and used, but many are called the appearance of materials and the use of fireproof board is very different. For example, today's decorative fireproof board and the function of fireproof board, but because they are all called fireproof board, then the word of fire must be more important, so what's the function of decorative fireproof board and fireproof board's fireproof grade? Follow the fumeijia fireproof board factory Come and have a look!
      Familiar with two kinds of fire protection board裝飾防火板:裝飾防火板是一種裝飾貼面板、裝飾的主要功能是起到裝飾作用,板表面色彩豐富,風(fēng)格多樣,并完成油漆持久,屬于粘板,厚度很薄,當(dāng)使用需要和基材使用;裝飾防火板也有一些別名如美麗板、HPL、火膠板;防火板:函數(shù)防火板主要是縱火,否則基本上使用一些無(wú)機(jī)防火材料,使這種板,如石膏、水泥、等化工原料,厚度在12毫米左右,可以作為結(jié)構(gòu)材料使用,經(jīng)常使用的分區(qū)和掛墻;裝飾防火板防火等級(jí):
      Decorative fire-proof board: decorative fire-proof board is a kind of decorative veneer. The main function of decoration is to play a decorative role. The surface of the board is rich in color and diverse in style, and the paint is durable. It belongs to adhesive board, which is thin in thickness. When it is used, it can be used with base materials. Decorative fire-proof board also has some aliases, such as beautiful board, HPL and fire glue board. Fire-proof board: functional fire-proof board is mainly used for arson, otherwise, it is basically used Inorganic fire-proof materials make this kind of board, such as gypsum, cement, and other chemical raw materials, with a thickness of about 12mm, which can be used as structural materials, often used partition and wall hanging; fire rating of decorative fire-proof board:
      Reach the fire rating B1 of decorative fire-proof board; category B1: fire-resistant building materials. Refractories have good flame retardant effect. Under the action of air or high temperature, it is not easy to ignite and spread rapidly. When the fire source is removed, the combustion will stop immediately.
      The decorative fire-proof board can only meet this standard, because its raw materials and material characteristics, the use of raw materials decorative paper, kraft paper, phenolic resin, melamine resin are not inorganic refractories. For example, the fire-proof ability of the two resins can be dismissed after curing in high temperature and high pressure, and the decorative fire-proof board is only 1mm thick, which greatly hinders the decorative nature of the fire-proof board Fire rating; application site function of decorative fire panel fire rating of fire panel:
      According to the different properties of the materials and the different grades of the plates, the fire-proof plates are classified into the following categories: 1. Class A: non combustible building materials, almost no combustible materials. Among them: class A1: no fire, no open fire. Class A2: non combustible, need to measure smoke, must be qualified.
      2. 類別B1:耐火建筑材料。耐火材料具有良好的阻燃效果。在空氣中或高溫作用下不易著火,不易迅速蔓延,當(dāng)火源被移走后,燃燒立即停止。
      2. Category B1: refractory building materials. Refractories have good flame retardant effect. Under the action of air or high temperature, it is not easy to ignite and spread rapidly. When the fire source is removed, the combustion will stop immediately.
      3.b2: Combustible building materials. Combustible materials have certain fire-retardant effect. When exposed to open fire or high temperature in the air, it will immediately ignite and burn, which is easy to cause fire spread, such as wooden columns, wooden frames, wooden beams, wooden stairs, etc.
      4. B3級(jí):易燃建筑材料,無(wú)任何阻燃作用,易燃燒,火災(zāi)危險(xiǎn)性大。
      4. Grade B3: inflammable building materials, without any flame retardant effect, easy to burn, with high fire risk.
      Fireproof materials are mostly used in buildings, which play an absolute role in modern various forms of fire protection. Common fireproof materials include fireproof board, fireproof door, fireproof glass, fireproof coating and fireproof bag. The fire protection package is mainly used for all kinds of cables in electric power, communication, petrochemical, construction, ship and other industries to pass through the fire sealing holes, which can effectively prevent the fire from spreading along the cable and avoid the loss of life and property to the greatest extent.
      It can be seen from the above that the decorative fire-proof board can not achieve complete fire protection, which is the difference between the fumeijia decorative fire-proof board and the fire-proof board. I believe you have understood that we hope that when you purchase, you must distinguish them and not be deceived by the businessmen.

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    山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 備案號(hào):魯ICP備14019259號(hào)-2 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT 魯公網(wǎng)安備37010502002020號(hào)

