
山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司
  • 您當前位置: 首頁>>新聞動態(tài)>>公司新聞富美家阻燃防火板技術的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀如何?



    來源:http://www.qq1980.cn/ 日期:2019-12-17 發(fā)布人:admin
      In combination with the existing and relatively mature foreign technologies, it mainly adopts the introduction, digestion and absorption of integrated innovation as a supplement. The technology in the field of fire protection is being developed and will be developed in the world. The selection of high and new technology has certain technology accumulation in China, which has a great influence on the fire protection industry. Especially the world's leading green technology can improve the quality of fire protection products, reduce production costs, integrate resources, focus on efforts and give priority to development. According to the selection principle and development approach of fire fighting technology, the selection and development sequence of fire fighting technology in China are determined.
      In order to increase the safety and practicability of the products, improve the durability, launch energy-saving, resource saving and cost-effective products, which is the change of fire-proof material market in recent years. It can be seen from this new product that the product upgrading speed in this field is very fast, and it is developing towards the direction of high efficiency, energy saving, environmental protection and power saving.
      Development trend of fire retardant board technology1防火涂料的技術發(fā)展
      1 technical development of fire retardant coating無機阻燃劑的主要發(fā)展方向是磷阻燃劑。在阻燃方面,國內外致力于超細、微膠囊化、表面處理、協(xié)同復合等方面的產品開發(fā)。新型鹵代阻燃劑的發(fā)展趨勢是提取高分子量、改善分子結構、添加抗滴添加劑、提高耐熱性、抗凍性、加工性和健康安全性,同時尋找多溴聯(lián)苯醚的替代品也將受到關注??傊喙δ?、阻燃性能突出、環(huán)保、壽命長是防火涂料的特點。
      The main development direction of inorganic flame retardant is phosphorus flame retardant. In the aspect of flame-retardant, we are committed to the development of superfine, microencapsulated, surface treatment, collaborative composite and other products at home and abroad. The development trend of new halogenated flame retardants is to extract high molecular weight, improve molecular structure, add anti drop additives, improve heat resistance, frost resistance, processability and health and safety. Meanwhile, looking for alternatives to PBDEs will also be concerned. In a word, multifunctional, flame retardant, environmental protection and long service life are the characteristics of fire retardant coating.
      The non type fire retardant coating has many advantages, such as energy saving, cost reduction and pollution prevention. It is a potential research and development direction. It is of great significance to develop a transparent inorganic fire retardant coating with good fire resistance, physical and chemical properties and low cost. The research direction of transparent fire retardant coating is to synthesize high efficient and stable flame retardant, and combine film-forming resin with flame retardant system. For example, the synthesized low phosphate can be used as the dehydration catalyst system of transparent fire retardant coating; the modified amino resin containing foaming agent can be made into film resin to reduce the amount of flame retardant; the service life of flame retardant coating can be improved by grafting flame retardant onto film resin. At present, foreign countries have begun to study the catalytic, carbon, foam and other efficient flame retardant systems. If the development is successful, it can be combined with common decorative varnish to prepare a transparent fire retardant coating with long service life.
      The key of fireproof coating is flame retardant. In recent years, the research of flame-retardant technology and the development and application of flame-retardant products have attracted people's attention. The main development direction is:
      (1) development of multi effect, high efficiency and low water soluble decarburization catalyst and foaming agent; (2) reasonable synergistic effect of each flame retardant; (3) composite modification of resin to improve the fire resistance and physical and chemical properties of fire retardant coating; (4) combination of intumescent and non intumescent fire retardant coating; (5) inorganic halogen-free intumescent fire retardant coating.
      2. Development of fire panel technology
      Compared with the traditional plate, the modern new environmental protection plate is more popular. Not only is the price factor, but also people's environmental awareness is a very important driving factor. The fashion of environmental protection makes plate manufacturers not only pay attention to the price and technology of raw materials, but also have high requirements for the selection of raw materials. The increase of high-rise buildings, the emergence of fire requirements and high-strength requirements are also retesting the performance of plates.
      以上是富美家生產商為大家介紹的相關內容,想要了解更多內容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.qq1980.cnThe above is the related content introduced by the manufacturer of fumeijia. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.qq1980.cn







    山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 備案號:魯ICP備14019259號-2 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT 魯公網(wǎng)安備37010502002020號

