
山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司
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    來(lái)源:http://www.qq1980.cn/ 日期:2023-06-27 發(fā)布人:admin
    富美家HPL(High Pressure Laminate)是一種高壓層壓板,具有以下優(yōu)勢(shì):
    Fumeijia HPL (High Pressure Laminate) is a high-pressure laminate with the following advantages:
    1. 耐久性:富美家HPL采用了高強(qiáng)度紙漿和特殊樹(shù)脂的結(jié)合,能夠承受日常使用中的劃痕、磨損和沖擊。它具有優(yōu)異的耐久性,不易變形、開(kāi)裂或褪色,可長(zhǎng)時(shí)間保持外觀和質(zhì)感。
    1. Durability: Fumeijia HPL adopts the combination of high-strength pulp and special resin, which can withstand scratches, abrasion and impact in daily use. It has excellent durability, is not prone to deformation, cracking, or fading, and can maintain its appearance and texture for a long time.
    2. 防水防潮:富美家HPL表面采用特殊覆膜處理,能有效阻止水分滲透,具有較好的防水防潮性能。這使得它在潮濕環(huán)境中仍然能夠保持穩(wěn)定,不會(huì)因受潮而產(chǎn)生膨脹、變形或發(fā)霉等問(wèn)題。
    2. Waterproof and moisture-proof: The surface of Fumeijia HPL is treated with special film coating, which can effectively prevent water infiltration and has good waterproof and moisture-proof performance. This allows it to remain stable in humid environments without problems such as swelling, deformation, or mold due to moisture.
    3. 易清潔保養(yǎng):富美家HPL表面平整光滑,不易沾染塵土,容易清潔。只需要用溫水和溫和的清潔劑擦拭,即可輕松去除污漬,維持其美觀和衛(wèi)生。
    3. Easy to clean and maintain: The surface of Fumeijia HPL is flat and smooth, not easily contaminated with dust, and easy to clean. Simply wipe with warm water and a mild cleaning agent to easily remove stains and maintain their appearance and hygiene.
    4. 耐化學(xué)品和耐熱性:富美家HPL具有較高的耐化學(xué)品性能,能夠抵御一般家居環(huán)境下的化學(xué)物質(zhì)侵蝕,如清潔劑、酸堿溶液等。同時(shí),它也具有良好的耐熱性,能夠抵御高溫?zé)嵩吹挠绊?,避免變形或受損。
    4. Chemical resistance and heat resistance: Fumeijia HPL has high chemical resistance and can resist chemical erosion in general household environments, such as cleaning agents, acid and alkali solutions, etc. At the same time, it also has good heat resistance, which can resist the influence of high-temperature heat sources and avoid deformation or damage.
    5. 艷麗多樣的外觀:富美家HPL提供了眾多的顏色、花紋和紋理選擇,可以模仿各種材質(zhì)的外觀效果,如木紋、石紋等。因此,在設(shè)計(jì)上具有更大的靈活性,可以滿足不同風(fēng)格和需求的裝修和設(shè)計(jì)要求。
    5. Colorful and diverse appearance: Fumeijia HPL offers a wide range of color, pattern, and texture options, which can simulate the appearance effects of various materials, such as wood grain, stone grain, etc. Therefore, it has greater flexibility in design and can meet the decoration and design requirements of different styles and needs.
    Overall, Fumeijia HPL has the advantages of durability, waterproofing, easy cleaning, chemical resistance, and heat resistance, making it suitable for decoration and construction in various home and commercial spaces. It not only provides a beautiful appearance, but also has the reliability of long-term use and maintenance.

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    山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 備案號(hào):魯ICP備14019259號(hào)-2 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT 魯公網(wǎng)安備37010502002020號(hào)

