
山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司
  • 您當前位置: 首頁>>新聞動態(tài)>>常見問題幾種常見的防火板的特點!



    來源:http://www.qq1980.cn/ 日期:2021-01-18 發(fā)布人:admin
    1.展覽的密度板:一般用的都是低 密度板和中密度板。密度板的加工工藝一般是松揚等原木加工成小塊,然后粉碎成很細的粉末,加入石蠟膠等物質(zhì)將粉末重新通過高溫壓制成板材,低 密度中密度板加工工藝差不太多,但是強度不一樣中密度板的工藝過程需要有嚴格的參數(shù)控制,才能保證質(zhì)量和強度以及甲醛等添加劑不超標,才能達到我國要求。
    1. Density board for exhibition: low density board and medium density board are commonly used. Density board processing technology is generally Songyang log processed into small pieces, and then crushed into very fine powder, adding paraffin glue and other substances, the powder will be re pressed into plate through high temperature, low cost The processing technology of MDF is not too bad, but the strength is not the same. The process of MDF needs to have strict parameter control to ensure that the quality and strength as well as formaldehyde and other additives do not exceed the standard, so as to meet the requirements of our country.
    2. Fireproof board is a kind of density board with a layer of flame retardant coating on the surface, which has the effect of flame resistance. The thickness is 0.6 mm / 0.8 mm / 1.0 mm / 1.2 mm / 1.5, and the thickness of a thin piece of office paper, for example. Its surface has many colors. It can be selected according to the requirements. Its surface has smooth surface and pitted surface. It is generally used on the surface of wood, and pasted with special glue, The construction is convenient. The thickness of the exhibition is generally 08mm.
    3. The plywood for exhibition is also called multilayer board. It is generally called plywood in China. For example, plywood, plywood, plywood, etc. It is commonly referred to as splint or plywood in the world, such as three, five, nine, twelve, 15, 18 and so on. It is composed of a two-layer structure, mainly a single board on the surface and a sandwich medium board. Veneer is made by log cooking and rotary cutting. Theoretically, the thickness is between 0.4 and 0.5mm. The medium board is also a thick skin made by log cooking and rotary cutting. The thickness of the middle plate varies according to the thickness of the plywood. It is used to strengthen the surface in the exhibition.
    4. It can be imagined that the main material used in the exhibition is particleboard. It is a cheap substitute for density board because of its simple process and cheap raw materials. Strength and other properties are much worse than density board. It is easy to be damaged. But after the surface is coated, if you don't look at the section, you can't see what the problem is.
    In addition, there is also a kind of moisture-proof board, which is actually added moisture-proof agent in the density board. The cross section is dark green, similar to the density board.
    The above are the characteristics of several common fire boards, I believe you all know, if you want to know more wonderful information, please click our website: fumika http://www.qq1980.cn .







    山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 備案號:魯ICP備14019259號-2 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT 魯公網(wǎng)安備37010502002020號

