
山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司
  • 您當前位置: 首頁>>新聞動態(tài)>>行業(yè)動態(tài)如何判斷外墻保溫裝飾板的質(zhì)量?



    來源:http://www.qq1980.cn/ 日期:2021-05-12 發(fā)布人:admin
    Thermal insulation decorative board is formed naturally by the action of the earth's crust for tens of millions of years. Its material is hard, and its service life can reach decades or even hundreds of years under general conditions. The selection of thermal insulation decorative board should be considered from the color system, pattern, pore water absorption, hardness, etc. Let's take a look at how to judge the quality of thermal insulation decorative board.
    1. When choosing the thermal insulation decorative board, you can tap the stone to check the firmness, tap the surface of the thermal insulation decorative board, listen to the sound and feel the touch. If the quality of the solid stone will make a crisp and solid sound feeling, so as to avoid picking up the slight cracks in the stone.
    2. The more fine the particles, the better the quality.
    3. If there are cracks in the structural plane, it will be easy to crack in the future, and it is not very beautiful for the large texture of the stone.
    The above are several ways to judge the quality of the thermal insulation decorative board. It is very important to see the quality of the product, because it can prevent us from being cheated by the manufacturer when we buy products, and buy low-quality products at high prices. We must all master the method.保溫裝飾板是由千萬年地殼作用自然形成的,它材質(zhì)堅硬,在一般的狀況下使用壽命可達數(shù)十年甚至百年之久。挑選保溫裝飾板,要從色系、花樣、毛細孔吸水率、硬度等處考慮。下面讓我們具體看一下該如何判斷保溫裝飾板的質(zhì)量。
    Thermal insulation decorative board is formed naturally by the action of the earth's crust for tens of millions of years. Its material is hard, and its service life can reach decades or even hundreds of years under general conditions. The selection of thermal insulation decorative board should be considered from the color system, pattern, pore water absorption, hardness, etc. Let's take a look at how to judge the quality of thermal insulation decorative board.
    1. When choosing the thermal insulation decorative board, you can tap the stone to check the firmness, tap the surface of the thermal insulation decorative board, listen to the sound and feel the touch. If the quality of the solid stone will make a crisp and solid sound feeling, so as to avoid picking up the slight cracks in the stone.
    2. The more fine the particles, the better the quality.
    3. If there are cracks in the structural plane, it will be easy to crack in the future, and it is not very beautiful for the large texture of the stone.
    The above are several ways to judge the quality of the thermal insulation decorative board. It is very important to see the quality of the product, because it can prevent us from being cheated by the manufacturer when we buy products, and buy low-quality products at high prices. We must all master the method.

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    山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 備案號:魯ICP備14019259號-2 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT 魯公網(wǎng)安備37010502002020號

