
山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司
  • 您當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)>>新聞動(dòng)態(tài)>>行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài)防火板接縫處理該怎么做?



    來(lái)源:http://www.qq1980.cn/ 日期:2020-11-20 發(fā)布人:admin
    防火板接縫處理:在設(shè)備時(shí)板材與板材留有空地4-6mm,用107膠水或膠調(diào)勻后用刮刀涂抹板材及縫隙處,然后用紙帶或特性帶張貼壓平。 涂料裝修:可以用噴涂、刷涂或滾涂,但刷涂時(shí)有必要參看涂料的有關(guān)說(shuō)明。 裝修面貼瓷磚:在浴室、清洗間、廚房、地下室等濕潤(rùn)區(qū)域設(shè)備時(shí),如需在板面貼瓷磚龍骨之間的距離有必要縮短到400mm.墻體每隔三塊板(約3.6mm左右)有必要留有一條伸縮縫。
    Joint treatment of fireproof board: in the equipment, there is a space of 4-6 mm between plates and plates. After mixing with 107 glue or glue, smear the plate and gap with scraper, and then paste and flatten with paper tape or characteristic tape. Coating decoration: spray, brush or roll coating can be used, but it is necessary to refer to the relevant instructions of coating when brushing. Ceramic tile on the decoration surface: when the equipment in the bathroom, cleaning room, kitchen, basement and other humid areas is required, the distance between the keel of the board needs to be shortened to 400mm. It is necessary to leave an expansion joint every three boards (about 3.6mm) on the wall.
    隔音墻體:如需墻體有較高的隔音效果,有必要請(qǐng)求墻體和板材聯(lián)絡(luò)緊密密閉,再向空墻內(nèi)填充礦棉,如龍骨雙面選用兩種不一樣厚度的板時(shí),隔間效果更佳。 抗沖擊墻體:建議您選用8mm以上的防火板或加一層板,用長(zhǎng)一些的螺絲釘加固。這種方法可增強(qiáng)抗沖擊、隔熱、隔音效果和防火功用。
    Sound insulation wall: if the wall is required to have a high sound insulation effect, it is necessary to request that the wall and the board are closely connected and sealed, and then the hollow wall is filled with mineral wool. For example, when two different thickness plates are selected on both sides of the keel, the compartment effect is better. Impact resistant wall: it is recommended that you choose the fire-proof board above 8mm or add a layer of board, and reinforce it with longer screws. This method can enhance shock resistance, heat insulation, sound insulation and fire protection.
    Fireproof board also known as fire-resistant board, scientific name is calcium silicate board fire-proof board, has rich surface color, as well as special logistics function, has good fire-proof characteristics. It is widely used in interior decoration, furniture, kitchen cabinet, laboratory table surface, external wall and other fields. Some factories that need fire prevention methods are using our fireproof board. Product function is excellent, quality assurance, waiting for us to call for advice.
    Due to the fireproof board is a new environment-friendly and flame retardant decoration material in recent years, many users are not very familiar with the use of fire-retardant board. Today, the specific method of using fire-proof board for partition wall is described. Specific steps of application: fireproof board: under normal circumstances, it is recommended to use fiber cement board with thickness of more than 6 mm as partition board. To be fixed on the keel with screws of 520 mm or more.
    釘頭低于板面0.5mm,以便保證飾面平坦。設(shè)備:初步設(shè)備時(shí),有必要標(biāo)好龍骨的準(zhǔn)確位置,并作好記號(hào)。豎龍骨基地距離為450-600mm,墻體的聯(lián)接處和門(mén)窗兩頭設(shè)備時(shí)要裝附加輕鋼龍骨,如墻體高度大于2.4M時(shí),須在板材聯(lián)接處加裝支撐龍骨。板距:相臨板材之間留縫距4-6mm,板材與地上之間有必要留有5mm的空地,螺釘設(shè)備基地距為150mm,距板邊10mm,距離板角30mm. 5.吊掛:清洗間或廚房間等吊掛重物處,有必要用木板或龍骨加固,防止板材受到破壞。
    The nail head is 0.5mm lower than the board surface to ensure the smooth finish. Equipment: it is necessary to mark the accurate position of the keel and mark it when preliminary equipment is carried out. The distance between the vertical keel base is 450-600mm. Additional light steel keel shall be installed at the joint of the wall and the equipment at both ends of doors and windows. If the height of the wall is greater than 2.4m, the supporting keel shall be installed at the plate connection. 5. Hanging: it is necessary to use wood or keel to reinforce the hanging heavy objects in the cleaning room or kitchen room to prevent the board from being damaged.

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    山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 備案號(hào):魯ICP備14019259號(hào)-2 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT 魯公網(wǎng)安備37010502002020號(hào)

