
山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司
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    來(lái)源:http://www.qq1980.cn/ 日期:2022-01-19 發(fā)布人:admin
    快裝墻板優(yōu)點(diǎn)有哪些 快裝墻板安裝技巧1快裝的墻板優(yōu)點(diǎn)之保溫隔熱:因?yàn)檫@樣的板材是經(jīng)國(guó)家級(jí)部門(mén)檢測(cè)保溫效能超過(guò)國(guó)家現(xiàn)有標(biāo)準(zhǔn),安裝房間以及普通板安裝室內(nèi)溫度相差7度;和油漆相比相差10度,還屬于是我們南方夏天的炎熱和北方冬天的寒冷墻體裝飾佳材料。
    What are the advantages of quick installation wallboard? Installation skills of quick installation wallboard 1. Thermal insulation of the advantages of quick installation wallboard: because such boards are tested by national authoritative departments, the thermal insulation efficiency exceeds the existing national standards, and the temperature difference between the installation room and the ordinary board installation room is 7 degrees; Compared with the paint, the difference is 10 degrees. It is also a good wall decoration material for the hot summer in the South and the cold winter in the north.
    Sound insulation of quick installed wallboard: this type of board has also been tested by national authoritative departments, and the sound insulation is up to 29 dB, which is equivalent to the sound insulation of solid wall. For example, it can obviously solve the underwater sound of downpipe in toilet, and can also be applied to all kinds of sound insulation rooms in factory.
    Advantages of quick installation of wall panels: the fire protection grade has reached B1 after being tested by the national authority department. In this way, it will basically meet the fire protection requirements of the project.
    Advantages of quick installation wallboard: the product not only combines aluminum alloy plate and polyurethane, but also increases the strength and hardness of the product, which can be used on all kinds of parapets.
    Waterproof and moisture-proof advantages of quick installation wallboard: This product has moisture-proof performance, which is especially suitable for the decoration in the south, and solves the wall leakage of home decoration in the south, resulting in decoration mildew.
    Advantages of quick installation wallboard: all raw materials used on the surface of the product are environmentally friendly materials. The installed room is environmentally friendly and tasteless. If the room is decorated as a whole, there is no painting process, which solves < a decoration material time and paint smell, greatly saving time.
    The advantage of quick installation of wall panels is that the installation of such panels is also very simple. The traditional gusset installation method is adopted in the design of this product to avoid the cumbersome installation of other aluminum panels, and ordinary carpenters can install them without professionals. They can be installed directly on the rough wall, saving labor, time and space.

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    山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 備案號(hào):魯ICP備14019259號(hào)-2 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT 魯公網(wǎng)安備37010502002020號(hào)

