
山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司
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    來源:http://www.qq1980.cn/ 日期:2020-03-26 發(fā)布人:admin
      With the rising of house price, more and more people tend to renovate old houses or second-hand houses. Now people are more and more demanding on living comfort. They want to renovate old houses to change their styles. So where do you start? Here are some suggestions for you:
      1、 Check whether the waterproof treatment is in place在裝修老房子前,首先應(yīng)廚房和衛(wèi)生間進(jìn)行48小時不潔水測漏試驗(yàn),檢查原防水工程的防水效果如何,如出現(xiàn)滲漏現(xiàn)象,必須重新做防水處理。完成防水處理后,要等地面完全干燥才能鋪設(shè)瓷磚,否則地面輕易開裂。
      Before decorating the old house, the kitchen and toilet shall be tested for leakage of dirty water for 48 hours first to check the waterproof effect of the original waterproof project. If there is leakage, the waterproof treatment must be done again. After the completion of waterproof treatment, it is necessary to wait until the ground is completely dry before laying ceramic tiles, otherwise the ground will easily crack.
      2、 Do not replace standard wires
      Due to the problems of simple circuit distribution and aging of wires in the old houses, they can not meet the needs of modern household electricity, so it is necessary to completely transform and re wire when decorating. In the past, most old houses used aluminum wires. According to national standards, copper wires must be used in decoration. Therefore, aluminum wires should be replaced by copper wires, and PVC insulated wire protection tubes should be used at the same time. If it is necessary to install high-power electrical appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners, it is recommended to separate the lines.
      Third, replace the corroded water pipeline建議大家水路是整個房屋的“血管”,在舊房改造中也尤為重要。一般來說,原有的航道管道會存在一些布置不合理或管道腐蝕的情況,所以在裝修前必須對航道進(jìn)行徹底檢查。如果原有的管道是廢棄的鍍鋅管,在施工過程中應(yīng)更換更加環(huán)保的pp-r管。
      It is suggested that the waterway is the "blood vessel" of the whole house, which is particularly important in the reconstruction of old houses. Generally speaking, the original channel pipeline will have some unreasonable layout or pipeline corrosion, so the channel must be thoroughly inspected before decoration. If the original pipe is abandoned galvanized pipe, the more environmentally friendly PP-R pipe should be replaced in the construction process.
      4、 Help of professional construction team富美家防火板推薦大家進(jìn)行裝修時,請團(tuán)隊(duì)幫忙可以省下很多功夫。提起瓷磚、鏟墻皮,隱藏衛(wèi)生間廚房、水電中的隱患,在改造房間時涉及到與其他房間有關(guān)的水電等細(xì)節(jié)和材料聯(lián)系需要按照來布置,那樣是不能馬虎的。
      When you are recommended to decorate the flameproof board, you can save a lot of effort by asking the professional team for help. Lift the tile, shovel the wall skin, hide the hidden dangers in the bathroom kitchen and water and electricity. When transforming the room, the water and electricity and other details and material contact related to other rooms need to be arranged according to the specialty, which is not sloppy.
      5、 Choose environmental protection and health care materials富美家防火板建議大家選購環(huán)保材料,這是一個點(diǎn),每一個家庭都應(yīng)該注意,如果材料含有甲醛等有害物質(zhì),裝修后等待它釋放量能夠達(dá)到標(biāo)準(zhǔn),甚至,還會引起各種各樣的不便。還直接委托選購的材料,對自己和家人負(fù)責(zé)。
      Fumeijia fire protection board suggests that you buy environmental protection materials. This is a point. Every family should pay attention to that if the materials contain formaldehyde and other harmful substances, the amount of formaldehyde released after decoration can reach the standard, or even cause various inconveniences. Also directly entrust the purchase of materials, responsible for themselves and their families.

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    山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 備案號:魯ICP備14019259號-2 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT 魯公網(wǎng)安備37010502002020號

