
山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司
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    來源:http://www.qq1980.cn/ 日期:2020-03-12 發(fā)布人:admin
      1. 無機保溫材料和設(shè)備(以下評論WW絕緣材料,例如)的基礎(chǔ)上,不同地區(qū),不同季節(jié),不同的氣候特點,不同濕度的空氣和底部墻材料按照“WW”無機保溫材料和水重約1.5:1,放在攪拌機攪拌3 - 5分鐘的操作。初始設(shè)置時間約為2小時。
      1. On the basis of inorganic insulation materials and equipment (WW insulation materials are commented below, for example), air and bottom wall materials with different humidity in different regions, seasons and climatic characteristics shall be mixed in the mixer for 3-5 minutes according to the weight of "WW" inorganic insulation materials and water of about 1.5:1. The initial setting time is about 2 hours.
      2. 無機保溫材料的應(yīng)用
      2. Application of inorganic thermal insulation materials將底層墻體清洗干凈并粘濕(如混凝土等光滑墻體需提前一天做常用的界面砂漿拋撒處理),將拌好的“WW”保溫隔熱材料直接批量上底層墻體或抹上水泥砂漿。次統(tǒng)一的密度將覆蓋墻為主,厚度掌握在10分鐘左右,當(dāng)次信息的含水量約為50%,可以第二次批,批厚度可以掌握在10 - 20分鐘,直到達到計劃要求厚度。到達粘結(jié)牢固,不空鼓,不開裂。
      Clean and wet the bottom wall (for example, the smooth wall such as concrete needs to be sprinkled with common interface mortar one day in advance), and apply the mixed "WW" heat insulation materials directly to the bottom wall or cement mortar. The first uniform density will mainly cover the wall, and the thickness will be controlled in about 10 minutes. When the water content of the first information is about 50%, the second batch can be used, and the batch thickness can be controlled in 10 - 20 minutes, until the planned thickness is achieved. To achieve a firm bond, no hollowing, no cracking.
      一般保溫材料的施工厚度在20mm -25mm之間可以一次性成批完成,保溫材料的厚度在30mm -40mm之間可以第二批完成,也可以按外一內(nèi)二復(fù)合保溫。所有的工序在一天結(jié)束后,7天后可以貼磚,10天后可以做涂飾。施工周期比任何其他保溫系統(tǒng)節(jié)省一半以上。節(jié)省工藝,節(jié)省時間,節(jié)省成本,工期短,效率高。
      Generally, the construction thickness of thermal insulation materials can be completed in batches at one time between 20 mm and 25 mm, and the thickness of thermal insulation materials can be completed in the second batch between 30 mm and 40 mm, as well as the external internal composite thermal insulation. All processes can be tiled after 7 days and painted after 10 days. The construction period is more than half of that of any other insulation system. Save technology, save time, save cost, short construction period and high efficiency.
      3. Quality inspection
      The bottom wall shall meet the requirements of relevant specifications, the thickness and structure of the insulation layer shall meet the planning requirements, and the structural layers shall be firmly bonded without layering, hollowing, cracks and other phenomena. The parts of holes, trunking, trunking and pipes passing through the wall shall be treated as follows: accurate scale, regular edge, straight line angle and gray line, clear and beautiful.
      4. 預(yù)防措施
      4. Preventive measures
      1) "WW" inorganic thermal insulation materials do not need to add any other materials and articles to ensure the quality of the products during the construction on site.
      2) "WW" insulation material is used after mixing with water in the preparation process. It is generally used up in about 2 hours, and shall not be reused the next day or after dry consolidation, so as not to affect the quality.
      3) Inorganic thermal insulation materials shall not be lower than 5 ℃ to complete the rear wall thermal insulation project in winter or within 24 hours, and the ambient air temperature shall not be lower than 5 ℃. In winter, sunlight shall be prevented from shining in summer. When the temperature is higher than 25 ℃, proper maintenance is required, and it is not allowed to build in wind and rain above level 5.
      Do a good job in product maintenance, prevent bumping on the wall after construction, and adhere to the ventilation and drying on the construction site. At the end of each construction, the construction materials and mixing machines and tools shall be cleaned in time to avoid affecting the next use.
      以上是富美家小編為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.qq1980.cnThe above is the related content introduced by Fujia. If you want to know more, please visit the website: http://www.fumijia.net

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    山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 備案號:魯ICP備14019259號-2 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT 魯公網(wǎng)安備37010502002020號

