
山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司
  • 您當前位置: 首頁>>新聞動態(tài)>>公司新聞公共廚房裝修時使用防火板還是防潮板比較好?



    來源:http://www.qq1980.cn/ 日期:2020-01-07 發(fā)布人:admin
      Public food cooking is carried out in the place of public kitchen, because there is a lot of food every day, the environment of public kitchen is humid, high temperature, easy to breed a large number of bacteria, and the common kitchen and common board are easy to generate humid, bacterial, and difficult to clean environment during decoration; because many of these wall decoration will consider to choose fire-proof board or moisture-proof board, then the common kitchen uses fire-proof board or moisture-proof board How about board decoration? What do you need to pay attention to when shopping? Follow the Fumei factory to have a look!
      Is the public kitchen decorated with fire-proof board or moisture-proof board?
      1、 The difference between fireproof board and damp proof board防火板的名稱為防火板,是一種用于外墻裝飾的防火建筑材料,具有豐富的外觀色彩、紋理和特殊的物流功能。防火板單板為3層,防潮板單板只有1層,因為這種防火板比防潮板耐磨,耐劃傷,耐高溫。防火板鮮艷多彩,讓人煥然一新。然而,火板的頂部很容易被水和濕氣腐蝕。如果使用不當,會導致基材脫膠、變形和膨脹。
      The name of fire-proof board is fire-proof board, which is a kind of fire-proof building material used for exterior wall decoration. It has rich appearance color, texture and special logistics function. The fire-proof board has three layers and the moisture-proof board has only one layer, because the fire-proof board is more wear-resistant, scratch resistant and high temperature resistant than the moisture-proof board. The fire-proof board is bright and colorful, making people fresh. However, the top of the fire plate is easily corroded by water and moisture. If used improperly, it will lead to degumming, deformation and expansion of the substrate.
      The moisture-proof board is also called melamine board. Adding a certain proportion of moisture-proof particles in the production process of substrate can prevent the board from swelling with water to a certain extent. It is a granular moisture-proof particle added to the particleboard substrate. Color is divided into green and red, the most common is green, red moisture-proof particles function better, generally used on the table.
      Fireproof board for public kitchen decoration綜上兩種板材,石家莊福米嘉防火板小編對公共廚房裝修的介紹還是選擇防火板比較好!
      To sum up two kinds of plates, Shijiazhuang Formica fire board small series of public kitchen decoration or choose fire board better!
      2、 The advantage of fireproof board in public kitchen1. 防火板具有很強的環(huán)保功能。安裝后不會直接使用,也不會產(chǎn)生任何異味和污染,不會對人體造成任何傷害。
      1. Fireproof board has strong environmental protection function. After installation, it will not be used directly, will not produce any peculiar smell and pollution, and will not cause any harm to human body.
      2 .墻面防火裝飾板無輻射,無甲醛揮發(fā),防火,防水,防潮,無異味,易擦拭,超強硬度,色彩豐富多樣,安裝方便。
      2. The fire-proof decorative board on the wall has no radiation, no formaldehyde volatilization, fire-proof, waterproof, moisture-proof, no peculiar smell, easy to wipe, super hardness, rich and diverse colors, and easy to install.
      3. The heat preservation effect is good, 6 times of glass, 3 times of clay and 10 times of ordinary concrete. This advantage is suitable for high temperature conditions such as kitchen.
      4. Oil resistant, easy to clean, is the bane of the kitchen, cleaning has become a problem, the use of fire-resistant decorative board walls, cleaning the kitchen has not become a problem.
      In order to ensure the health of teachers and students, the fire-proof decoration of school kitchen wall should be based on environmental protection, sanitation and cleanness. The fire-proof decorative board on the wall of the school kitchen should be cleaned easily, such as some metal fire-proof decorative boards, which can improve the cooking environment of the whole kitchen. At the same time, the flame-retardant characteristics of decorative board should be considered. The temperature near the boiler is very high. Ordinary materials may not be able to achieve high temperature flame retardant due to their own performance, so it is best to use a fire-retardant board with fire-retardant performance; precautions when shopping:
      1. 圖案清晰明了,富有表現(xiàn)力,立體立體。
      1. The pattern is clear, expressive and three-dimensional.
      2. 沒有色差。
      2. No color difference.
      3. The surface is smooth, smooth and wear-resistant.
      4. 優(yōu)良基板特性:
      4. Excellent substrate characteristics:
      5. 密度板的甲醛含量不能超標。
      5. Formaldehyde content of density board shall not exceed the standard.
      6. 木工板無縫隙看型材。
      6. The wood board shall be seamless to see the profile.
      7. 外觀光滑、潤滑、致密。
      7. The appearance is smooth, smooth and dense.
      8. 在購買過程中要特別注意看板是否變形。
      8. Pay special attention to whether the Kanban is deformed during purchase.
      The individual illegal manufacturer makes the base material production cabinet board and the regeneration density board, the board is easy to deform, the door and the automatic tapping connection hinge are easy to fall off. Whether imported or domestic rich and beautiful home fire-proof board cabinet board materials, because the manufacturer's production quality and process level are quite different, when customers purchase, they must check whether there is a provincial and urban furniture quality inspection part of the "product certificate", in order to prevent the use of bad products to your risk.
      What do you need to pay attention to when shopping? This is the end of the introduction. If you are interested in the fire board, you can directly contact fumeijia company, we will provide you with satisfactory services.







    山東創(chuàng)圖建筑裝飾工程有限公司 備案號:魯ICP備14019259號-2 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML TXT 魯公網(wǎng)安備37010502002020號

